Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's day!!

St. Patrick's day was so much fun today!! The girls had such a good time. They loved wearing green outfits, going for a nature walk to find all the green things that we could, and making green goodies. Zariah got really good at finding people that weren't wearing green, and both her and Maleah were very good at pinching those people!! Zariah decided that her friends, and mine, needed to have some green cupcakes, so we made green cupcakes with green frosting. Here are some photos of the girls fun!!

I took my eyes off them for a minute and Zariah told Maleah, "This is frosting Maya-mo, it's so yummy, and since it's green, it will taste even better...Try it!!"
Needless to say, they both had spoonfuls of frosting in their mouths by the time
I turned around!!

This could have been Maleah thanking Zariah for the frosting advice...but every other second Maleah was kissing or hugging her!! I love sisters!!!

1 comment:

sportyrls said...

Thanks for the update! Those girlies look so cute and it looks like they had a great day!